Also there were not any guldelines regarding syllabus or text books for different classes. Only the books of scripture. Moral education, arithmetic and grammer were taught , certicates having the singnture of the president, secretary and the teacher of the “ Mattar Banom Vigyana prachar Asharam” were awarded to the qualifying students.
Mamgai Gomango himself was an educated person. For the development of his community he introduced script through backward soura community do not lag behind march of time and civilization in this modem ear. He fought day and night to rootout the age old prejudices & superstions from his community. He won the heart of the people by sharing their sorrows and happiness. He knew both Astrology and Mantras Wich also helped him to win the confidence at his tribesmen. He prepared the herbal medicines from indigenous roots and herbs and cured people from many incurable diseases. Agai using “JHODA PHUKA” (aprimitive maglco – religious curative practice using “Mantra”.) he could invoke belief in the minds of his people. As a result people loved and respected him.
He campaigned against the tradition of ritual sacrifice of animals and drinking of country liquor by his tribesmen. He went on travelling from village to village to propagate his script and reforms by crossing the remote mountainous and desely wooded soura country for the betterment of his own community. He used to stop his joumey wherever night fell and took whatever food avallable there. At last became know as ‘sora guru’. He used to write using pen and paper where he stayed Now many of his manuscripts are been in the houses of many souras. These manuscripts are full of advice for his soura brathers.
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